Randall Fred Peck


Grandson Of Former Residents Killed In Accident

Randall Fred Peck, 19, Santa Cruz, California, was killed Sunday [March 15, 1970] when the car in which he was a passenger smashed into a utility pole. The accident occurred in Salt Lake City as a group of University of Utah students were returning from skiing.

Mr. Peck was a quarterback on the U. of U. freshman football team which had a 4-0 season record.

“He was an outstanding young man and had a fine future at the University as a quarterback,” said Ronald G. Taylor, freshman football coach. “He started all four games and did an outstanding job for us in all four.”

Officers said the students were returning from skiing when the car went out of control, left the road, struck a stone historical marker and then smashed into a utility pole. Impact broke the car in half. All six students were thrown out and also killed was Heidi Kratzer[sic], 18, San Marino, California.

Mr. Peck is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck, one sister, Cindy, Santa Cruz, California; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Peck, Stockton, Calif.