Jemisena C. Peterson


Rites Friday For Mrs. Peterson

Funeral services for Mrs. Jemisena C. Peterson, who died April 4 at the Oneida hospital were held at the Second ward chapel Friday afternoon. Counselor Ralph Harding presided and gave remarks.

Prayer at the home was offered by Bishop Carl Evans of the Samaria Ward; invocation, David Hughes; benediction, W. W. Thomas; prelude and postlude, Mrs. Margaret B. Laws. The speakers were Dr. O. H. Mabey and J. M. Isaacson. The musical numbers consisted of a duet, Mrs. Evan Price and Mrs. N. A. Waldron accompanied by Mrs. Iris Barker; solo, Mrs. Carol Ipsen accompanied by Mrs. Iris Barker; violin solo, Mrs. Fern Willie accompanied by Mrs. Laws; duet, Ella Gilbert and Lyman Ipsen accompanied by Mrs. Ipsen[sic]; obituary, Charles Thomley. Burial was in the Pleasant View cemetery with Bishop John Roderick dedicating the grave.

Those from out of town attending were: Lewis Ipsen[sic], Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jeppson, Mantua, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Lewis, Declo, Ida.[Idaho], Mr. and Mrs. John Craghead, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen, Brigham, Charles Thornley, McCammon.