Dorothy Boyland Stones

Dorothy Boyland Stones
August 26, 1924 – January 2, 2020

Downey, ID

I was born in Dallas, Texas in 1924. I’m the second child of Herbert and Bessie and sister of Margaret and Herbert Jr. After mother died, Daddy remarried. Although neither had graduated from high school, their aspiration for their children was to continue their education. With great sacrifice on their part, we all became college graduates. Thank you for a lifetime of learning.

After graduating from high school, I attended college at Texas State College for Women and subsequently earned an M.A. in sociology from Washington State University. I taught sociology and math at the college level and also math at the secondary level. I spent many years raising a family, enjoying pottery at BSU, working at a soup kitchen, taping for the blind and visually impaired, and writing poetry.

I married John Stones in 1951 and we shared the journey of raising four beautiful and healthy children: Kaye, Jon, Kent, and Mark. We watched their own families grow into wonderful people and cherished every moment. We loved them all completely and considered them all kind, loving, and compassionate.

I am donating my body to the University of Utah Medical School for research and educational purposes. There is no substitute for these donations in the academic and research communities. I hope more individuals will make a similar decision.

I am thankful for the many kindnesses throughout my life, leave with hard feelings toward none, and seek forgiveness of those who have any against me.